Experimenting with a ‘shoot from the hip’ technique (more like the chest actually but you get the idea). These images are captured without looking through the viewfinder or camera screen. It’s an interesting way of documenting a walk through a city. You get candid expressions and capture scenes as they are without, for the most part, people being aware that you are making a photograph.

Ive been asked about the morality of taking photographs without express consent or making it obvious that Im shooting and my reply is, well they are shot in public streets, Im not taking images to make people look bad or defame them in any way, its documentary ,not portraiture. I also avoid publishing any images that have children in the scene.


April 2024.



A long weekend in New York City. Using the same techniques as in London a few weeks earlier. Interesting to see the differences in two of the biggest and best cities in the world. The first gallery images were shot on Kodak BW400 CN and Portra400 film. All other images shot on Fuji XH2S.